policy for 30 cars or less

Hired gun

[QUOTE=Hired Gun;47046]It would hurt my feeling if OSW closed the gate I remember sitting in the stand watching my father and other family members race since I was about 5,

So Mr. Tunaman I don’t even know you, or for that matter care too, But with that statement, it’s obvious you yourself are not a real racer or race fan.
Therefore I believe you should go stand in the road and wait for a semi…preferably one that’s hauling a race car

p.s. I’m not defending Boneman or any one else, just my home track.[/QUOTE]
I also would like to see OSW and NSS packed every time they open. I have bought 50, 100 tickets a time @ NSS on “pack the stands night” (Oh Boneman, before you run your mouth and tell me I have to prove an “outrageous statement like that again”, call Joe Lewindowski and ask him ) and passed them out trying to help generate interest. I go very little to OSW because wife has to get up @ 3:00 A.M for work Sats. There’s NO WAY I’d dare go there alone, Boney and all his little Boneys might gang up on me. You obviously did not know what I was refering to, and it was when I suggested Rick maybe trying to call some of the former drivers, or going thru the pits and get the phone #'s of the ones there now, so he could call them when they stop going and got my butt kicked by Boneman and his little Boneys. So Gun, you took me wrong and I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

Paranoid Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by excessive distrust and suspiciousness of others. Individuals with this disorder are generally difficult to get along with and often have problems with relationships because of their excessive suspiciousness and hostility. Their combative and suspicious nature may elicit a hostile response in others, which then serves to confirm their original expectations.

let me get this straight:
you’re AFRAID to go to OSW because your wife won’t be there so you can hide behind her skirt?

who knew the Tunawoman was a bigger man than Mr. Tuna?

Todd, you probably have no idea just HOW MUCH bigger…LMAO

In fact, I heard she picked up a job at Sea World recently…in the “Shamu” show :slight_smile: :ernaehrung004:



Glad your wife works, I’m sure she’s proud to support you.