IFR cancelled until further notice...

Jack is in excruciating pain and cannot do the show at this time. Please keep him in your prayers as things are not going well for him. I have contacted our guests and they understand and support him with prayer… please join them in prayer for Jack…
i will let you know when we can resume our show. Thank you for your understanding.
carolwicks aka oz

Praying for you Jack!!!

Damn, a set-back. There has been lots of good news on the cancer front with Ron Jr’s successful surgery and B.J’s continuing progress. I have 2 non-racing friends who are going to beat it too. Hopefully this is Jack’s low point and he can get on with a strong recovery.

Wishing only the best for Jack. C’mon man.


it isnt really a set back. Jack hasnt been well since his surgery but he is so humbled by the love and friendship shown to him thru his illness that he wanted to give something back… he also doesnt want to sit around and feel handicapped. perhaps he needs to finally give his body a chance to heal and just concentrate on getting stronger. Jack is really dedicated to his part in this sport. Lets pray he will once again participate… thank you all for caring…

I wish Jack the best. r.

Jack is in alot of pain and no matter what he does, he cannot get comfortable to work which is understandable. I know the feeling right now also with my knees. Jack is a fighter, strong and he will beat this and he will figure out what he needs to do to be able to do the things he loves to do. Right now he needs your prayers and best wishes.

I know on my site there is a place for pay pal and if you really like the site, you can donate to help keep it alive. Maybe Jack needs that now on karnac. Sites don’t run on air and they do cost money and when you are down and out and can’t really work, the bills still need to be paid. Wouldn’t hurt for him to put a pay pal donation button on karnac at this point. Even $5.00 would help and show that you do love the site and want it to stay there.

And this is just my two cents, not Jack’s.
