Dirtworks Modified

2003 dirtworks modified 4 bar both sides ,9 inch ford floater, j bar, mid plate ,gauges,wiring battery, KSC tandem power steering / fuel pump, fuel lines, 32 gallon fuel cell,MSD ing box and coil ,pinto spindles,progressive spring rate 3 rd link, spare wheels.
shop 352-357-5650
cell 386-804-0255






how much

what are you asking for it

$2800 with all parts i have for if
thanks jeff

this car needs a new home

Dirt Works Modified

Hey This is Kenny Kelley I came over and looked at the modified,I am trying to scrounge up some money to bring you.Talk at you soon.
Kenny 407-358-0087

these cars are taking up to much room got to gowill take trades make offer
thanks jeff

would you trade for a mustang mini stock race ready or a toyota pickup raced at citrus county speed way

first $2500 get it needs new home

car is sold
thanks real racing