I am proud to wish everyone a Merry Christmas
If u want to use happy try Happy christ birthday
ok ur turn
I am proud to wish everyone a Merry Christmas
If u want to use happy try Happy christ birthday
ok ur turn
Thank you Don!
Without Christ this happy season would not exist. It’s just too bad we dont honor Him in the same joyous way 365 days a week…
Christ is “The reason for the season”…:engel016:
Please dont send me anything that says Merry Xmas… i have no idea who X is…
I too wish everyone a very Merry CHRISTmas and a very happy, Healthy, wondrous 2011…
Hey don. arent we a little early… this isnt snail mail you know. OH… please call me… 941-629-7451!
Carol Wicks aka oz
MERRY CHRISTMAS Don, Carol and all the rest of you Karnacers.:engel016:
Merry CHRISTmas to one and all! I celebrate knowing Christ 365 days a year and I am proud of it!
Same here Celebrate it 365 days a year. Support your local church, no matter what your religion is, and support Christ, always.
Y’all have a very Merry CHRISTmas, and a happy New Year!
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing.
We celebrate the gift of salvation!
I dont think its ever to soom oz but i was trying to stop the Xs and soforth.
don 62
you cant imagine how happy you have made me today. this is the first time all of us Christians have come together and Praised our Lord in such a wonderful way. Cara… i agree 100% we try to honor Him 365 but i meant the whole world… I love Him everyday but unlike Him i am so far from perfect and wish i were more Christlike every minute…
i hope we can make this the longest wonderful thread ever on Karnac & i hope Jesus knows we love Him and honor His birthday in true Karnacian flavor!!!.. it makes my heart feel good!!!Thank you so much Don… However… i hope you dont ruin your reputation!!! hahahaha you are a really good man and i hope it continues to shine thru… i felt this side of you and sandy and thats why we are friends…Thank you for bringing the Lord to our most sincere BIRTHDAY celebration…
carolwicks aka oz
You can’t talk about Christ and leave me out. you bozzo’s. He walks with me all day every day. JESUS is the reason for the season for sure. If he hadn’t died on the cross to pay the bill for our sins, we’d be racing in a very hot place… Bob…
Marry CHRISTmas to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR :ernaehrung004:
172 reads and 5 people post? someone help me i dont understand?
this is a busy time of yr. not everyone is sitting in front of a puter… they are doing alot of other things… and some people feel funny about posting their most private thoughts on a message board that consists of alot of posts where people feel the need to call others nasty names.
im surprised that some ppl i know havent jumped on this post but i think they just havent read your post…
doesnt matter what doesnt happen. what matters is what does happen! 177 ppl cared enough to read it…thats cool…
carolwicks aka oz
christ is must
Is Christ-must more important than Easter. Born to Die for our Sins. Both are the greatest days of our Life.
you are right but now is Christmas…the birth. this is such a great time because ppl come out of the woodwork to help those less fortunate… it is a time for joy and good will…but…Easter is the most important celebration. The fact that Jesus suffered such intense pain and humiliation and for one purpose only… to save us from our sins and our ignorance. can you imagine being Jesus mother and watching what happened to Him? Outside of His pain, her agony had to be the most intense pain imaginable… i feel my kids pain more than they do… the rebirth and rising back into Heaven is a huge celebration and Karnacians will rise to the occasion… i am sure of this… thanks for joining us Dave…
this is just a tiny step in what Christians need to do. we need to let the world know that we are not going to let anyone stop us from believing., from caring, or from spreading the word… our govt. is taking our rights to new limits… removing prayer is so harmful to our young ones. they NEED Christ in their lives. but thats another subject…
carolwicks aka OZ
i love Christmust…
You really want to know why?
It’s because most people are strong enough in their faith not to worry about people shortening the name of a “Holiday” for the sake of convenience and not confusing it with what the “Holiday” (read that as commercialized, media driven shopping event) is/was supposed to represent.
Want something to really bitch about during Xmas, Carol? When your church pastor replaces Christ’s name with an “X” on the sign out in front of the church just to save space for the rest of the message. That’s when you should worry about society going to hell in a handbag because of a lack of reverence to Jesus Christ’s name. Or if they get green and start printing bibles with an “X” in place of His name to save on the trees used for the extra page space. It’s in there a lot, ya know.
So until then I STILL think is about the silliest thing to start a thread about.
Sorry, Don.
But this isn’t this threads first trip to the big dance. Every year CW uses it to try and cause division and derision between the good Christians and the pagan non-believers. And she usually gets her wish for big numbers on the view counter cuz it will get pretty bloody…oops…looks like she wants to throw the gov’t into the mix now with her last post. I guess that was inevitable, though. Sigh. Let’s see just how far this one will veer off topic and into a whole new dimension of insanity.
All on a message board about racing, too. Tsk tsk tsk.
Anyways, Merry Xmas everybody and God bless.
Christ- must
The first words of my daily prayer is , Lord please forgive Me for my sins. we can’t pray for any thing until we clear ourselves. for the none belivers I can show you Satin. he is not hard to find. Happy Christ birthday.
For to us a child is born,to us a son is given;and the government shall be upon his shoulder,and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God,Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace.Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end,on the throne of David and over his kingdom,to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore.The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.
Isaiah 9:6-7
I would also like to wish everybody a very Merry CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year. If you keep Christ in your life everyday you will always have something to be thankful for. I know I do. I have been honored this year of having my son do the prayer at the drivers meeting before the races at Auburndale, I know GOD is working in our lives.
Carol Andrews & son Virgil
172 reads and 5 people post? someone help me i dont understand?
They are either too lazy or too scared
Merry CHRISTmas guys
Tell you , whoever acknowledges me before men, the son of man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.
Luke 12