Ok what is the deal....

Now I am not one to B!$#%… .BUT… Who took my post off of this site… I have no problem if I did something incorrect or wrong, but why was one of my posts taken off… It had nothing nasty, wrong, or illicit in it… It didn’t offend anyone, and I didn’t steal any information that I didn’t say where I got it from…

If there is a problem with one of my posts, I would appreciate a private message or hell for that matter a telephone call to tell me why as my TELEPHONE number is available on EVERY post I post…

I hope everyone has a great day and make sure you get to some track somewhere this weekend…

I had one removed to… no harsh words just stating a fact that was told to me along with an honest opinion…

most forums only allow “certain” honest opinions…:wink:

Its hard to beleave that someone took a post of yours of do to your opinon.
Your stuff is normal and not slanted to who you like or dislike and based on either fact or fun and i like that. Do you think it might be a mistake? I would think some one would own up to dooing that. Some one told me that is wae because you mentoined Florida flag stand and if thas it WOW. You cant turn on your face book with out info from them about racing. why diunt you post it agin and we will see if it was a guich from your coumputer.

Don 62

Exactly why I don’t participate any longer. Posters are people and they deserve an explanation for the reason a post was removed.

I think most will play by the rules, if they are informed of the rules.

[QUOTE=UREZ2PASS;63951]Exactly why I don’t participate any longer. Posters are people and they deserve an explanation for the reason a post was removed.

I think most will play by the rules, if they are informed of the rules.[/QUOTE]

Well EZ, I for one miss you

Me 2

Mommy aka OZ

Tuna and Carol,
Thanks, but forums are like bars, when you don’t feel comfortable, you go to another bar or quit drinking. For the record, I quit bars along time ago and I will probably just quit forums too.

Who needs the drama anyway ?

[QUOTE=UREZ2PASS;64003]Tuna and Carol,
Thanks, but forums are like bars, when you don’t feel comfortable, you go to another bar or quit drinking. For the record, I quit bars along time ago and I will probably just quit forums too.

Who needs the drama anyway ?[/QUOTE]
I basically agree, but I enjoy pi–ing 3-4 of these clowna off!! Remember, just because a few like to “police” everyone else doesn’t mean LOTS of people don’t enjoy talking with ya. Hope you change your mind. As for me I WILL be here and stir the kettle of a few occasionally. They have said I don’t deserve an opinion because I don’t race, big deal, thet puts me in the majority. Biggest change is that i don’t even go anymore. Tired of being a hero when I have $ to throw around and a bum when I don’t. Wonder why its getting harder and harder for “racers” to get any help??

[B][I]I am the [SIZE=“5”]Only[/SIZE] person who can windex and I have not removed a single post from here in over a month and then those were just posts advertising tennis shoes or something. Someone must specificly e-mail me about a post or click report post for me to take action. I do not read most posts just scan through the newest.
So either you had a computer glitch or you hit the wrong button because [SIZE=“5”]NO[/SIZE] posts have been removed!

If you have a problem my e-mail address is: rick_anges@yahoo.com and Duane you can always message me or inbox me on facebook…anything else before I go off and enjoy a great day of Football with some good friends???[/I][/B]

I didn’t have a computer glitch and didn’t hit the wrong button… How am I sure of this… There were several responses to the post… I will dig up the post info and forward it to you…

I also checked with Jack as he is the only other person with the password to remove posts and he did not either. Forward me what you can and I will go into the admin of the board and see if I can find out what happend.

Jane did it.

Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.


[QUOTE=UREZ2PASS;64201]Jane did it.

Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.[/QUOTE]

Blame it on Jane, oh what the heck. She got blamed for everything else…hahhah

[QUOTE=UREZ2PASS;64201]Jane did it.


Even though I still don’t like you, that is funny.

Jane didnt do it.
I did it and saw me do it and i didnt chop down the cherry tree!!!
and if u mess with my highley profanital posts ill burn your house down JAck!!
So dont JACK with me Dick opps… RICK


[B][I]Don you ain’t right, all those years of breathing carbon monoxied and whatever was coming out of those race cars has finally taken it’s toll on your noggin!

Duane I am still waiting for you to send me the info on the posts you are talking about. I have gone through the admin control panel and can find nothing and need to know what is going on.

P.S. Jane did not do it and she probably never did anything she was blamed for![/I][/B]

I completely understand, I pushed every button you had last year. Sorry for the stress I caused you but I was only defending some friends at FASCAR. We both took the smack talk a bit to far.

As I said last year, things will be better this year and changes have been made in the right direction. Look for some more good stuff from the fine people with FASCAR throughout the year.

UR right rick i killed to many brain cells whin i was young.
A freind told me that we were killing only the week ones and it would be ok.
Well now im trying to servive on the few i kept.
Wish racing would start so they would have some thing to cry about…

haven’t had a chance to forward anything over… My puter is currently being worked on by friend… Stopped at the library to do this… As I said, I will forward info over as soon I can…