Gas prices could go to $2.00 or less?

[SIZE=“3”]This was a email that was sent to me. Knowing how much gas we used as a Sport maybe a PROACTIVTE approach may make a difference? What’s your idea to take the BULL by the horns!!![/SIZE]


This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of
his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton. If you are tired
of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this
summer, take time to read this please.

Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea.
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the “don’t buy gas on a certain day”
campaign that was going around last April or May!
It’s worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!

I hear we are going to hit close to $ 4.00 a gallon by next summer
and it might go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down?

We need to take some intelligent, united action.
The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn’t
continue to “hurt” ourselves by refusing to buy gas .

It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.
BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can
Really work. Please read on and join with us!

By now you’re probably thinking gasoline priced at about $2.00 is
super cheap. Me too! It is currently $3.08 at Arco and Costco for
regular unleaded in Salem , Oregon and climbing every week.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us
to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50 - $1.75,
we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control
the marketplace…not sellers.

With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need
to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we
hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we
can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can’t just stop buying gas.

But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to
force a price war.

Here’s the idea: For the rest of this year, DON’T purchase ANY
gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON
and MOBIL.

If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce
their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will
have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon
and Mobil gas buyers. It’s really simple to do! Now, don’t wimp
out on me at this point…keep reading and I’ll explain how simple
it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at
least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) … and those 300 send it to at
least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)… and so on, by the time the
message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over
THREE MILLION consumers .
If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends
each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

If it goes one level further, you guessed it… THREE HUNDRED

Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That’s all!

(If you don’t understand how we can reach 300 million and all you
have to do is send this to 10 people… Well, let’s face it, you
just aren’t a mathematician. But I am … so trust me on this one.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to
ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people
could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!

I’ll bet you didn’t think you and I had that much potential, did
you! Acting together we can make a difference.

If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest

Let’s hear your two cents worth (maybe we could afford to go RACING again)!!![/SIZE][/B]

In 2008 oil was $140+ per barrel. President Bush announced that he was opening up parts of the coast for drilling, and immediatly the price collapsed to less than half. Meanwhile, this stupid president continues to restrict drilling and exploration for American companies. Consider the Gulf of Mexico where Americans are not allowed to expand, but the Chinese, Cubans and several other companies expand at will. Does it sound like things are going to improve? Hell no.

So what are you saying?

[SIZE=“3”]Should we just keep going on and complain about. Or do you think the clout or sheer numbers of the Motor Sport Fans, Owners, and Racers. Could make a differance in Washington if not the Gas Companys. Between Short Track and the NASCAR fans we have millions. So what should we do?[/SIZE]:confused::sprachlos020::aetsch013:or :ernaehrung004:

shit i think its a good idea it not say dont buy gas just not from the biggest to company if they drop there prices down it true the other company’s will have to drop there or go out of business

Should we just keep going on and complain about it?

Neither one of those will help. The solution is to increase the supply and decrease the demand. The best way to increase supply is to drill for it. We also have not had a new gas refinery (or a new nuke plant ) in America for 30 years.

Here is why your selective boycott won’t work. Lets imagine for a second that millions of American drivers stop buying from Exxon Mobil. (This is already a stretch, but lets go with it) Do you think their gas supplies are just going to sit around? Will their refineries stop? Of course not. They will wholesale their product to their competitors (it is very common), and the only ones hurt will be the owners of company affiliated gas stations in everyone’s home town.

Although I have racecars and a truck to transport them, I also have a scooter that gets 75 mpg. What can you do to decrease demand?

You mean communist China and Cuba are allowed to drill?

Of course. They are drilling off the Florida coast, along with several other enemy countries like Venezuela.

my point exactly, not exactly getting a whole lot of CHANGE at the fuel pump now are we?

I agree somewhat Boney, but I guarantee if everyone, Did not buy from Mobil/Exxon the pricesd WOULD drop, but we will never know because everyone says we SHOULD do this but wont. Sorry, we never agree on anything, (Americans), there’s always an excuse to go the easy way. As far as other countries driling there is nothing we can do about it, they’re in international waters period. I do agree with you, we need to drill, we use more oil than any other nation and everyone says not here, not in my backyard. I’ve seen this letter before, its a great idea but I doubt it will happen. Everyone, myself included want it done by someone else for us, I mean if someone told me “O’K it starts today I’d do it” but most wouldn’t. Another thing, everyone bitches about Wal-Mart buying everything from China and we lost thousands of jobs to China that never will return here, who would be in favor of an import tarriff high enough on everything from China to make it no longer profitable to import from China? Everyone would revolt!!! “I cant afford the prices”, we cant hve it oth ways. Guess its like me, I complain about racing but basically want nothing to do with it right now, I hope that changes too…but I doubt it. Mr McKinley, I really tried to spell this right but I have to go to work, i don’t have time to sit here and spell check. Have a nice day!!


I honestly am sorry for the spelling, puntuation etc, I have a bad keyboard.

LOL, I will have to remember that one.

[B][I]Here in Trois Rivi?res, Qu?bec, this morning: 1.199 liter= $4.43 for 1 US gallon.

Montr?al yesterday: 1.259: $4.66 for 1 US gallon.[/I][/B]


whatever you do, dont do business with BP! I am never late with payments. have been with them over 10 yrs. and spend about $2,000 a month for our trucks. around Christmas i sent the payment in on the 27th. it was due on January 3. they got it on the 4th and called me. i told them to take $1500.00 from our account. they got my check later that day and took that too! from the $3,000 i paid them, they credited our account $400.00 …thats right four hundred! on top of that they charged us a late fee of $801!!! and $228 interest!. I called and they told me tough *&^%%# in BP language! YOU CANNOT FIGHT THESE bastards… but i am getting a lawyer to see if there are any class action suits. surely they are doing this to other companies.
i went to my bank and they gave me an equity loan at 6% and paid off those nasty people. the payments are less than $200 a month and instead of 28% interest is 6%… a hard lesson…
we need to find an alternate source of energy… drilling offshore in florida is dangerous too. if we have an oil spill we will lose the most gorgeous coastline in this country and the only living coral system. our tourism will disappear and we will be financially and ecologically ruined. one oil spill that we wont expect just like BPs!!!
carolwicks aka oz

If I had only voted for the Palin ticket…oil would be cheap, coyotes and moose would no longer be a problem here in Florida and maybe the backlash against Obama wouldn’t have been there so we would have been spared the dipstick Governor we have…oh well, you live and learn…

Don’t worry Boney, if Rick Scott has anything to do with it, our public service folks will all be manning oil wells, draining the everglades and ripping off medicare all while paying us to do so.

Not sure why I take the bait on these discussions around here…

hey Bubba.

you do it because its entertainment! rofllllllllll

Well Edm, you go right ahead and remember that one.

I see the e-mail message was sent from a retired Coca Cola exec , or so it claims . So just to see if the exec’s ideas really work , why don’t we all start with Coca Cola instead of the gasoline manufacturers . After all , Coke is water , huge amounts of sugar , and some food coloring ( along with the famous secret ingrediant ) . Should a concoction like that be worth the money they charge for it . I remember when Cokes were a dime , and they were probably overpriced then .
Lets try the idea out on Coke first and see if it forces them to drop the price back to where it was twenty years ago .
As for targeting big oil , keep in mind that many unbranded stations also get their gas from the big manufacturers , so boycotting the major branded stations wouldn’t do as much damage as you might think . And most people don’t buy gas from the major branded stations anyway .

It amazes me how people will pay 5.00 for a coffee 3.50 for a 12 pack of soda 10.00 12 pack of beer 3000 homeowners insurance if you can get it and what are cigarettes now. Everything is expensive and a racket why pick on Exxon Mobil. We are and extremely overweight and unhealty society. Lets all walk one day.

You have the option to buy cheap beer, soda and coffee or quit all together, you do not have that option with gas.

We all have the option to not by gas or at the very least get an economy car and only drive when necessary. Or not even own a car I know pleanty of people who don’t have a car. But we all want v8’s hummers lifted 4 wheel drives. 2 cars for parents the kids have cars but nobody wants to get the oil because of the environment or whatever reason. Most Americans could go cheap as you say but we are not willing to it.