lookin for retired mod driver

lookin for a mentor to help me with my modified both in car and driving.iam rebuilding a good mod from the ground up,powder coat ,ect.but lack both driving and set up skills to be a front runner,i drive big truck so this has hindered some but its serious now.and im starting with a clean slate so if you have exp in mod or slm and can give time i,ll pay your way in ,feed you and listen to what you have to say.please call 813-380-9379 anytime day or night,i race at citrus and auburndale but would consider others.

still lookin for help

still looking for some one to help modified team also lookin for helper in greater land o lakes area please call for info 813-380-9379 ron

Not retired but moved to a superlate. Might be willing to help you out but citrus is a pretty good drive for me. OSW is the closest track to me. If interested let me know on here and I’ll call you.

still need someone for citrus

see above…

osw is a much better place to learn to drive a owm.

If you have no exp. in an OWM, OSW would be much a better place to learn at. You will not tear up as much stuff while trying new things,plus there is a lot more room and a whole lot less cars


thanks for response,may try osw,have 2 years mod mini,started racing owm a handfull of times,then got hurt from a drunk driver hitting me,rebuilt car setting up with best stuff out there,but need seat time ,and some one to join team for chassis advise.and spotting,and mabey some driver tips.thanks again.ron

are you still needing help call me i now live in Hudson came from illinois with 20yrs exp 815 404 3771