Due to a backing out of a large sponsor I need your help for the Charity 200 Weekend

I thought it was all covered and good to go, but I have to ask for your help so we can have a sucessful Charity 200 Race Weekend.

After having everthing committed to be covered a large sponsor has pulled out and it leaves me with a rush to try to fill some things. If you can or if you know someone that can help please let me know. We have several things that myself and Joey Coulter and his marketing team are working on but with the short timing to finish and be able to help advertise those that help we are not sure what we can get done. I am listing everything that we need help in right now. I will update if things come off. We are hoping to fill the sponsor areas before Sept 15th, so we can go to print heavy with flyers, rack cards and more to promote during the rest of September through the event. Here is what we need help on:

Radio advertising sponsorship - total of $2500 needed - it can be split up between several folks. This includes a live remote on the Friday Dec 14th race day and 40 spots from Mid November to the event ! On WPCV 97.5 Country in Lakeland. Name & Logo on flyers, t-shirts, ad in program, PA spots and FREE Tickets included.

Track lease sponsor $3,000 - again can be split between several folks if needed. Name & Logo on flyers, t-shirts, ad in program, PA spots and FREE tickets as well.

Co-Truck Race Sponorship $3,000 - One company that would share the title race sponsorship of the Pro-Truck 100 with another already signed on. Same things included, name on the radio ads and we have the possiblity close to have a live radio broadcast for the race and your name would be mentioned when race is talked about and in ads leading up to the event.

Laps Sponsors - $40.00 per lap $20 goes to the purse, $20 for each lap goes to the families before we open the gates.
Must sell at least 50 laps as we had posted the purse then the backout of sponsorship came. This will keep us from not being in the hole when we open the gates. Thsi way all the money brought in will go to the families we are helping.

Any help you can give or direct me to would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

still need help
