Nice 1996 26ft. Haulmark Elite II

Nice trailer, has extra height, observation deck on top, ramp overs, gear rack, tire racks, spring rack, upper and lower cabinets, 4500 warn winch. Trailer is 89inches tall floor to ceiling, 93inches wide at back door. Will haul latemodel with no loading tire. 4500.00 firm. call chris 229-237-2633

will not let me post pics. shoot me an email address, and i will send pics.

I will post them for you.

trailer pic

Please send pic to
Where are you located

adel, ga. 39 miles north of florida line on I-75

pics sent to your email. thank you for posting

Trailer pics





can you send some more clearer pics to my email listed below as I am looking for a larger trailer. moving to florida and have sold mine. thanks. please send the pics and a message with your bottom dollar. thanks again.