any you tube guru's?

I am trying to send a you tube private and the recipient can/'t open it. Any advise?

If the video listing is private, the only way someone can see it is if they’re a member and logged in. If you set it as unlisted anyone you send the link to can see it without being a member but it won’t show up in any searches. Just remember they can share the link with others as well.

Thanks Ricky. So the people I send the private video to have to have a YT account? If I change it to unlisted then only the people I send the link to can see it? That makes sense. I have uploaded several hundred video’s to you tube and never had experience with private video’s.

That is correct. I learned all about the private and unlisted settings when I got tired of our family videos going viral, you know, because we’re so awesome…

HA! I heard that! I have been putting video on You tube for years along with other services. I had one sell out and deleted all the files. I loved that. Jerks! I sent it unlisted so That really what I needed. Thanks Man