Pro Trucks take notice Desoto this weekend

This weekend 25 lap truck race ,we need all of the trucks to help us out this weekend,you want a traveling series next year come and surport the local tracks,this could have a big effect on that for Desoto next year as allways thanks for coming in advance John.


Please tell me if I am wrong, but Showtime and Punta Gorda are also running trucks this weekend?? And Showtime is paying 1000 to win?


Good to see all the tracks working together.

Forrest Gump.

Stupid is as stupid as stupid does. History repeats itself over and over again. Everyone loses. Glad to be out of the MADNESS!!! Don hows the fishing???With the car count down everywhere, but CCS. The only one with car count and the grand stand videos show how tough it is. Man life is a box of BS…:ernaehrung004:

Think…Pepsi and Cheez-its!

Stick a fork in it

Looked at their results and it appears that they didnt have any trucks show up. Showtime had 13 trucks and Punta Gorda had 11