CCMP sure is proud of Josh Williams!!!!!! Future is BRIGHT!!!!

[SIZE=“3”]Josh Williams is other story of the level of racers coming out of the FASTRUCK and Legends Series. Here is a link to the press release on Josh being picked as one of the top 10 finalist in a driver development program.
Again the list grows and grows. Josh will be in action in the Legends and the FASTRUCK Pro Division racing this weekend. If you did not we almost lost Josh less than a year ago. He was in a serious accident on a 4 wheeler. He lye in a coma with server head injury for a never racking time. GOD works miracles because Josh has not only made a full recovery, but is better than ever. He is very focused on the future. And it looks to be brighter than ever.
Thanks to Kevin and Mrs. Williams for bringing up such a child to represent this Sport!!! Come see the whole [SIZE=“5”]?THE BIG TOPs FLYING CIRCUS? [/SIZE]at CCMP this weekend!!!
Bobby [SIZE=“5”]?The Colonel?[/SIZE] Diehl[/SIZE]:huepfen024::huepfen024::huepfen024::engel016: