Today we lost another RACER "BIG Al Neuman".

[SIZE=“4”]:engel016:Al was one of the finest people to Driver a Race Car. He almost made it to the “BIG TIME” Daytona 500 driving a Neil Bonnet spare car. Not sure what happened (I don’t remember I guess I getting old). Al was one of the very first FASTRUCK menbers and sat on the Advisiory Team. He won many of the Truck Races, but his BIGGEST!!! Was at IRP in 1997 the Memioral Weekend. He wrote the book on being a Friend. He will be missed, but will never be forgot. BIG Al is now with all his Hero’s, Neil,Dale Sr.etc… GOD BLESS YOU!:ernaehrung004::engel016::ernaehrung004:[/SIZE]


thank you for the info Bobby though it is sad news for many. My deepest condolences to Al’s loved ones and friends…
carolwicks aka OZ

Durn Bobby I am sorry to hear that. If you have contact with his family express my condolences. I have known Al for years and he’s one of good guys. THANKS Bob

Big Al was a gentle giant, a great guy and friend !

Big Al competed in the first 2 Charity Truckers 200 events and was a great encouragement to me. We will miss the big man, with a big smile !

God Bless his family at their time of loss.

"BIG AL’s service location

Danny Anderson (one of Al’s closest Friends) emailed me the information and wanted me to pass it on. Racing and FASTRUCK was a big part of Al’s life, he also had Family. Many of you send back our experiences and feeling about Al and his love for racing. I know many have commitments to their own racing on this sad day. I will be there and will pass on any thoughts or memories that you would like express to his the Friends and Family that will be attending. Please feel free to send back.
The service will be at:

Samoset First Baptist at 2:00 PM on Saturday 10/30/10.
3200 15th Street East
Bradenton, FL, 34208
Phone: 941-746-8117

Please keep BIG Al’s Family and Friends in your Hearts and Prays.

Bobby Diehl

Saturday will be the only Service.

I have had many of the Racers call or email wanting to know if there was a Friday night Service for BIG AL (due to they had prior commitments). Danny said that they would only had the Saturday Service. Again please let me know if you wanted something expressed to the Family or Friends.
Please keep his Family in your Prays.

Bobby, please express my condolences to his family. I raced with Al for several years in the trucks and he was great competitor and an even better person. He will be missed.
James Wright III