New Driver in Wayne Anderson Ride?

Saw pictures of the FAST race at Desoto and Devin Dixon was driving one of Wayne Anderson’s cars. Was it just for one night or is he following choquette in converting from dirt to asphalt? Would be great to see, he used to wear choquette out on the dirt at east bay…

I was told Wayne brought another car to help fill the field…

I was told Wayne brought another car to help fill the field… Reply With Quote

This what I expect for a reply from you. The driver was a driver who runs dirt and spanked Choquettes butt at East Bay. By the way he came from the rear and finished 8th in his first asphalt race. None of the cars that Anderson had at Desoto were “field fillers”. ANCRDAVE, get your facts straight, but I guess with where you are announcing that is to be expected, read the post and what it says and come to your own conclusions.

Did I say the car was a field filler or that the driver wasn’t any good… Wayne won’t bring any junk to a track or put anyone in a car he doesn’t feel should be in it… They knew the car count might be a bit off, so why not put the guy in a car and see what he can do… smart move really…

Must of been a field filler. Whats wrong with that?? Reminds me of a car at Hendricks…never mind…

Dave wasn’t out of line at all - Wayne has done that before when tracks needed cars for races. The track gets more cars and drivers get to drive some of Wayne’s extra cars. Big deal.

I am hoping that Desoto wasn’t his first race you are talking about, because he finished 15th in that race.

anybody know where they are racing next? btw I read were dixon was racing for 7th but was black flagged for leaking fluids and wound up 15th.

Wayne and Devin should be at Punta Gorda last I heard.

That’s correct - Wayne is racing at Punta Gorda this weekend.