Attention all Open Wheel Modified Drivers $1000.00 to win

In 2010 at CCMP the genearl Admossion was 15.00 the pits were 30.00 plus 10.00 slab fee. There was a 10.00 charge for Friday night pratice but CCMp did turn the light on for pratice till 10:30 or 11:00 I may be wrong but I think at PGS you can run till dark for free.

Most Drivers just like to see the whole purse online from 1st to 20th its not that much to ask from a track owner. Yes Kevin is doing a good job there in many ways.

Gary Laplant

Agreed again Gary. To conceal the purse shows a certain degree of shadiness.

And yes, they can run it anyway they wish. And we may also share how we feel with how they are running it. If ya don’t like it, lump it.

[QUOTE=Mav;55469]I can not believe all the hype here Florida tracks put out about special or big races paying a whole $1000 - $1500 to win. When I moved down here in 1985 I had been used to most of the tracks in the , Ky, Tn, Il, Mo and In areas I raced in regularly paying $1000 wins weekly.
You generally could run a minimum of 3 nights weekly and often 4 nights a week. Any special or big race paid a minimum of $2500 - $3000 to win with most setting on the $5000 or above to win mark.
1 or more of these races were within my participating range every month during race season from mid March thru early Sept. Most tracks even ran heats which generally paid $150 - $200 to win and paid back 5 positions.
When I moved to Florida I was introduced to $400 - $800 feature wins and the tracks acting like they were giving the best deal in the world besides not even paying anything on heats. They cost as much every lap to run as it does features!
What a joke and what suckers the tracks here make out of all of us racers. The make all the racers the clowns that put on the race and the show for them to promote plus the racers get to foot the bill to do it and they basically get a boot in the butt for a thank you !
What would the promoters have to promote and sell if the racers did not show up ? NOTHING ! This is the whole reason I have done very little racing since I moved to Florida. I am not putting on the show for somebody else to reap the benefits of it not to mention the racers risking their life and injury to put on a show.
Florida has shown me the worst racing I have ever seen and no wonder it is so hard to put fans in the stands when most tracks only get enough racers to show up to play a follow the leader game at most tracks and generally very little 2 - 3 - 4 wide racing as seen up north regularly.
I never wrote such as this here before but it is about time somebody did ! Let the tracks do what they are supposed and put on a good show. You put up the money and stand behind it the cars will be there and the fans will come! NASCAR has done it about 40 weekends a year for numerous years and still growing.
In one of the most populated states in the USA, there is NO reason why Florida short tracks should not be able to do it too if they are run right ! Tracks and promoters need to do their job if they want a good car and fan count and not rely on the racers doing it all by paying slab rentals, outrageous pit pass fees and often entry fees to " Special " races.
I NEVER had to pay that fee in over 20 years active racing. I NEVER heard of slab fees till I got in Florida either and still be connected some with midwest racing it still does not happen there either as of 2010 ! Aired my view anyway ![/QUOTE]

VERY WELL SAID! Many of the these track owners/managers could give two shits about the racers and the only thing they care about is the dollar in the back gate. Then all the cars leave and they wonder why they have no cars!

Well, all week we were told to “rest assured” that PGS has the best OWM payout in the state. And all week all we did was ask what that payout was. Well, it’s now raceday , and no payout has been posted. Sorry PGS, this tells me you are a bait and switch type of track. You fail!

One would hope not but maybe we are reading the whole purse 1000.00 to win. One could take it that way without them answering anyone back on the matter. Owner/promotes need to think thing out better to help them get more car count. Well be very interesting how many PGS Open Wheels they do get. It will be the normal 16 or under.

Gary Laplant

I can’t remember 16 anytime recently Gary. Usually 8-12.

no post

well, they have shown everone they have it their way. now who is the cheif. just another reason i don,t go any more.


I hear ya on that and many other are just leaving cars at home because of egos from the tracks. I have set out three race with two trucks because I could not get straight answers and the tracks dont get. Would seem they could do the math on what they are losing in revenue or they just dont care.

Gary Laplant

Got the update on the payout. Can’t verify if it’s truthful but since the track won’t comment, we will go with what we have. The track can chime in at anytime.

First off, purse was based on 20 cars, so it was cut accordingly.

1st 750
2nd 450
3rd 350
4th 300
5th 225
6th 175
7th 150
8th 125
9th 100
10 thru the field 100

very interesting

gary laplant

The purse was not based on number of cars, the winner Doug Moff got $1000. So you should not be putting up incorrect info when you dont have the FACTS. If that was the case PGS would have advertised that x number of cars had to show. You really should not be making up imaginary purses trying to make PGS look bad, cause you are not even close. Ask the 14 modified drivers who came they were all happy, ask one first then run off at the mouth.

Greg Roeback

Well said Greg

Well said Greg!

And, congrats to Doug Moff!

Well Greg, we asked you all week and you failed to respond. Maybe you should speak up in the future, not that anybody listens to you anyway though.

I finished 3rd and it payed $500.00 I did not have a problem with that.THANKS P.G.S.

More of the S O S so common at Florida tracks. They still are expecting the performing clown to perform and pay to put on the show. And to think this was the purse offered for a “BIG or Special” race. Tracks wonder why so few cars or fans are at their tracks. With follow the leader races and few competitors need anything else be said !


There were many post for over a week asking question about what the purse would be and you never answered anyone about the matter.

Now after the race you to be the hero and post something and bad mouth the people that were just asking a simple question about a purse. Which you never answered.

In your Saturday night post maybe it should have read Doug Moff wins the Open Wheell Mod 50 laps and wins the $1000.00.

I will say not bad car count for a race that was not really promoted the best it could have been.

Gary Laplant


There were many post for over a week asking question about what the purse would be and you never answered anyone about the matter. Why dont you answer all e-mails and phones calls its part of the job that you have at PGS.

Now after the race you to be the hero and post something and bad mouth the people that were just asking a simple question about a pursea week ago. Which you never answered.

In your Saturday night post maybe it should have read Doug Moff wins the Open Wheell Mod 50 laps and wins the $1000.00.

I will say not bad car count for a race that was not really promoted the best it could have been.

Gary Laplant

lol Gary say it like it is :huepfen024::ernaehrung004:

Well If the tracks/ promoters would spell it out better on payout and number of laps there would be a whole lot less of B/S to talk about here on line. It also would make Floirda short track much better in the long run with bigger car count.

There are way to set the payout for every race on a per car bases and have it posted up front so the owner/driver are aware of the payout weeks ahead of the race. This also get the other driver to help get cars to the track for a bigger payout.

Gary Laplant