There has got to be a bunch of vets on this board. I know that edm is a former Marine and that Ocala Jim served too. Thanks! We might yank each others chain all year, but today you are our heros.
BTW: there is Veteran’s Day parade in downtown Orlando on Saturday at 11.
You are the reason we live in a free country. You are the reason these horrid wars have not been fought on American soil. You have given the ultimate sacrifices… Some have died, some are crippled emotionally and some physically. You have had to be thousands of miles from your loved ones, missed the births of your children and the services of family or friends you love who have passed on, you have missed your kids graduations or weddings… all because you love beyond words…
There is no way to properly thank you… but I honor you, I am indebted to you for allowing my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to wake up without bombs going off, to be able to speak freely and worship the way they believe…they dont have to live in terror…
you are ALWAYS in my heart and my flag waves every single day of the year in your honor.
I urge every American to do some little thing for our soldiers. even if you simply send one single Christmas card, a letter of gratitude, and for those who are able, send blankets, books, cookies, anything. Just let them know you care enough to make a tiny sacrifice on their behalf.
as for the veterans who we have devoted this special day to honor, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! :huepfen024:
carolwicks aka OZ
Thank you to all the ladies and gentleman that have served in the military past and present. Your sacrifices and courage are the reason we have the best country in the world.
[QUOTE=Boneman;54925]There has got to be a bunch of vets on this board. I know that edm is a former Marine and that Ocala Jim served too. Thanks! We might yank each others chain all year, but today you are our heros.
BTW: there is Veteran’s Day parade in downtown Orlando on Saturday at 11.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Bone…and for the others who commented.
BTW,and I’m sure edm will agree, there is no ‘former Marine’. Once a Marine, always a Marine. SEMPER FI…
I was just an Army Ranger, but the bullets dont care what branch you’re in.:sprachlos020:
Thanks for the thoughts everyone.
my Father is 84 years old, was a Navy man and he will not be with us next Veterans Day. Hospice was called in to him on Tuesday and the end is near. He proudly served his country and now is reliving some of those horrible battles he fought so many years ago! Daddy, I salute you, my favorite Veteran! To all the rest of you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
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