1st night at NSS

Jo Jo Winchel wins NSS Rich 3rd 2nd ?

2’nd was a black #11 that I believe was driven by Austin Kirkpatrick. (I was in the pits and couldn’t hear) He took the lead from Joe Winchell on a restart with 3 to go, but Joe got back around on the last half lap!

Old age and treachery always triumph over youth and enthusiasm!

Way to go old man! He is Joe WINCHELL by the way… We all know Don can’t spell, but Speed51 had his name spelled wrong all day…

austin wasn’t going to give it to him. good to see joe get back around him and win.

Wtg Joe!!!

You are a winner whether you win or not but so happy to hear of your win on the track! YAHOOOOOOO!
Luv ya lots!
Carol aka oz