An A+ evening! I just got home from the first ever Hialeah Speedway reunion, and was amazed at how good it was! What an assembly of racetrack people; it was like a Saturday night back at the track, just without the conflict or crashing. Ronnie Bacelo estimated there were 480 or so. It was truely an impressive group, and they came to party.
Twelve members were inducted into the first class of the Hall of Fame. I’m going from memory here, so double check this, but here they are: Dick Anderson, Gary Balough, Bobby Brack, Billy Barnwell, Larry Rogero, Buddy Griffin, Bobby Coyle, Herb Tillman, Bill Flingos, Robert Hamke, Marty Handshaw and Marty Little. We were fortunate to have 10 of the 12 winners in the room. Gary Balough had a last minute change of plans and could not attend, and only Bill Flingos received the recognition posthumously.
I often look back at Hialeah as a wild place filled with crazy people. While that was true to a point, nights like this make me remember why I liked those people in the first place: so many of them are first class. The memory of their character faded a bit for me, and was replaced by more flashy events like crashes, big laughs and conflicts. Now that I am a little older, I can appreciate the effort, sacrifice and dedication that so many had, and was necessary to keep a club run operation afloat.
I am so glad I went!
There is truth to the old saying “time heals all wounds”, and I wiped away a few old problems tonight. There were a couple of guys who didn’t see eye to eye with me in years past, but tonight we managed to brush that all aside and forget it. I am sure I was not the only one this happened to.
I left at 1:30, but there was a big group who remained and looked like they were going to carry on until dawn. Aside from the Hall of Fame, there was no particular highlight to the night: the food was good, and everything went about as smoothly as it could have, but the main attraction was memories, appreciation, old friends (and lots of new ones too).
BTW: I was astonished at the number of people that read this message board.
I had to chuckle about the choice of after dinner music. Something tells me a racer put the list together, because it included Glenn Frey’s “Smugglers Blues”!
Hope to see everyone again at the NEXT reunion in 5 years or so! Meanwhile, keep an eye out for Bob’s video of this event.