i just talked to Kevin and it was his understanding that the Boyd race was talked about between he and I. the date we talked about was a suggested date but so far in advance and it was tentative. i apologize for this. The march date is one of the tracks 6 pack date and has nothing to do with what i wanted to plan.I had originally talked to Critter about the race and he was gung ho… so were the racers. at the time PG was in a mess and i was afraid no one would come. had Kevin owned it at that time i would rather have kept it at home. Critter talked it over with the owners of Citrus and they thought it might be way too cold out and they might not be able to pay such a huge purse (SLM & OWM)… because of that i called kevin who was at that time the new owner of PGS…any way… that is ancient history and we need to move on…Critter and the ppl at Citrus are wonderful … they have to do whats beneficial to their race track and i understand that…
i just talked to Kevin and asked if we might be able to plan Dennis’s race on a beautiful Sunday afternoon… that way we wont be in conflict with anyone. IT IS JUST A THOUGHT at this point.
I never thought anything could be so hard.
so mark and everyone else…it was due to a communication fault. from now on anything discussed will first come from Kevin or the race director…then i will jump on and PROMOTE the heck out of it.
i apologize for the error and i hope it wont discourage anyone from not promoting this special event. it is for 2 great causes and thats what we need to focus on…
i take full responsibility for the error and i hope you will forgive me and work with me in honoring our friend Dennis… you dont have to call me names or insult me. this is hard enough! i will work hard with Kevin to make this a memorable event …
carolwicks aka oz