Columbia Motorsports Park News

In the our future we will hopefully become known as the Street Stock capital of the south eastern United States.
Gene Barlowe the General Manager at CMP is working hard on building this class. Hoping to build to be able to have large races here at Columbia with large purses .He will be visiting other tracks in and around the state.
Our motto is going to be if we build it they will come.
This years divisons are as follows:
LateModels (once a month for now
Street stocks
Pure Stocks
Thunder Stocks
Our opening night we welcome everyone out for what we are exspecting to be a great night of racing.
If you would like further information Please cont us @
Track Number --386-752-8811

I look forward to good shows this year. Columbia is a really nice track and it’s close to Gainesville. I’d love to see it running strong.