In an effort to calm the waters, I propose this EZ Tuna Truce. It also involves all others that agree or disagree with either of us standing on either side of the fence.
I will not start any arguments or instigate any arguments and insults towards tunaman. I will also not reference him on any other website or Facebook. If I reply to any of his post it will be of racing discussion and I will not disagree with his opinion to start an argument.
All I ask is to be treated with the same respect.
I also offer this public apology. Tunaman I am sorry we allowed our disagreements and dislike of one another to infect this messageboard.
Thank You EZ, it takes fortitude to apoligize first. That’ll make the board more enjoyable for all involved. Let the ones that are looking for drama find it else where. I applaud you my friend…
In short, the truce was not accepted via a PM. Tunaman did say if I left him alone he would leave me alone. It’s progress in the right direction I guess. Time will tell.
[QUOTE=UREZ2PASS;89164]In an effort to calm the waters, I propose this EZ Tuna Truce. It also involves all others that agree or disagree with either of us standing on either side of the fence.
I will not start any arguments or instigate any arguments and insults towards tunaman. I will also not reference him on any other website or Facebook. If I reply to any of his post it will be of racing discussion and I will not disagree with his opinion to start an argument.
All I ask is to be treated with the same respect.
I also offer this public apology. Tunaman I am sorry we allowed our disagreements and dislike of one another to infect this messageboard.
Peace EZ
( I am not JC ) I promise[/QUOTE]
Just today you offered $1000 to get me booted. You begged for a mob to be assigned to remove my posts. You said you want to be in my wife. You said you want to make my Cockerspaniel a halloween ornament. You have run yor mouth all day about me, i have almost only answered you maybe twice. I offered this same truce o you 2 weeks ago, which you refused. Noone told me thank you. You have asked several times to have me booted, i have NEVER asked you be
booted. In fact i have told Rick SEVERAL times I do NOT want anyone booted. The only thing I want from you is LEAVE ME ALONE, and I will you. Althoughmafter all you’ve put me through I’d rather meet you face to face. To everyone that will slam me, what would you do if I said I wanted to gang bang your wife, wanted to be in her, wanted to make a Halloween ornament out of your dog, just ask yourself that. This is a close to a truce we will have right now, leave me alone, I will you, period.
The first one to break the truce gets the sit out for 30 days… BTW just for Winger I deleted way more of EZ and Tuna post then yours…Do what ya gotta do…
…that’s all you ever wanted? Someone to say “thank you” to you?..
Well, then…please allow me to be the first to offer you, Mr. Tunaman, a great big warm and fuzzy
[SIZE=“2”]for being such an effing douchebag all the time.
You truly…truly suck.[/SIZE]
Truce?..We don’t need no stinking truce.
Sure glad I didn’t agree to any truce.
p.s. In all fairness, I think he said he wanted to gang bang your cocker spaniel and make Halloween ornaments with your wife in the RV. You must have taken him out of context.
Rookie mistake. Don’t worry 'bout it.
Rick W. i thought it was over too, but then OJ had to butt his nose in, typical lugnut tyle! Since I promised Rick A. I WOULD repond to any moron coward that downtalked about my wife i was forced to do exactly that. When you luggies finally get your own way I will simply take it to facebook for starters.
Most of the lugnuts are cowards. OJ definately one of the worse. Two name OJ. There are more than one two named luggies, it builds their numbers and me repling to them builds my numbers of posts,! OJ likes to sit and admire Osmosis Jones Profile and visa versa. Another reason for the two names is it gives the coward 2 computers to hide behind. Hey whoever you want to be called, i personally prefer OJ, its like spoiled food, you get over it quicker. Thanks for the idea for the really neat avatar! I found lots of others too! Wait till you see them!!! LOTS of places to show off my avatars!!!Oh Rick A., you did notice this OJ clown started it Right??
Dude…you are losing the very slim hold you ever had on any hope of being “normal” aren’t you?
Here is some very sage advice that has been given to you numerous times.
Proofread your freakin’ posts before you hit the SUBMIT button.
You might actually score a few hits now and then if anybody could just figure out what the hell you’re trying to slam about. As it is, people are just left shaking their heads and saying: “WTF did he say?”
I sort of get the feeling that you think I have another screen name I make posts with. It’s pretty easy for Rick to see who is who on here. Why don’t you PM him and ask if I use any other aliases.
Paranoia is a tough monkey to throw off…so I’ll just state for the record that I, Osmosis Jones, don’t need any other screen name to express my true feelings for the shit sandwich that is the Tunaman. My one and only online personality really thinks you are delusional and small-minded.
Oh yeah, calling someone a “shit sandwich”, “delusional”, and “small-minded” really shows your maturity and intelligence. You must be a teenager with half a brain. (See I can do it too) If you all can’t see it by now the people from that other site are coming over here starting crap, trying to get this board shut down. They are hoping that rick will just get fedup with the bs and shut it down so we’ll all have to use their board. Please don’t let this happen. This is the best message board going.
Sometimes I take out my half a brain and move it to the other side.
Maybe it’s because they do like this board and want to see it prosper and co-exist here on the WWW like so many thousands of other racing sites do…that they don’t want to see it ruined by one small minded and delusional shit sandwich.
You are right, though. I am immature for my age. Also pegged my on the teenager part…some day I’ll grow up.
But I’m doubtin’ it’ll be any time soon.
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