sportsman or pro figure 8 roller

pro figure 8 roller its a older sportsman chassis with camaro clip has 9" rear 5on5 front 5on4 1/2 rear i have floater rear ill let go with it has 32 gal fuel cell 180deg headers car is roller no motor or trans 3522125604 could convert back to sportsman make offers or trade

where is it located and how much

homosassa make offer

Still for sale?

Yes it is still for sale

Would you take $750?

what all cars do you have for sale? and prices?

[QUOTE=herneracing;112391]pro figure 8 roller its a older sportsman chassis with camaro clip has 9" rear 5on5 front 5on4 1/2 rear i have floater rear ill let go with it has 32 gal fuel cell 180deg headers car is roller no motor or trans 3522125604 could convert back to sportsman make offers or trade


looking for sportsmans, latemodels and and stock body cars.