KEVIN WILLIAMS!!! You tell it like it is! That track belongs to you and Terry. It has never looked so good and never been run so organized… I am so proud of your accomplishments and your little speech was GREAT! Everyone in the stands started screaming and clapping for you when you walked off. We all want you to continue being the owners of PGS! Hope the airport will do the honorable thing and support you! !!! the airport didnt want the place before you fixed it up so they best not grab it now. I for one of many will never step foot on that property again and will spread the word all over the state of florida if they raise your rent too high or if they take it over. Thank you to you and Terry for all you do … you dont need the place. you saved it for us and i for one am very very grateful!! Love you Kevin and Terry and pray for the best for you and our family at PUNTA GORDA SPEEDWAY !!! Carol Wicks