SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TRACK or it may end up like this!!!

THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO>>>>>SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RACE TRACK<<<<<< or it could look like this…if the fans do not come…the racers don’t support it, then when it is gone there is NO ONE TO BLAME cause at this day and time racers need to QUIT BITCHIN and help put butts in the seats…no one wants to lose a ton of money but WE ALL have to scratch each others back…that means help promote your class or your race track!

when a racetrack takes in $10,000.00 dollars and is expected to pay out $10,000.00? How is this going to work? now you still have a power bill to pay, help to pay, insurance to pay, fuel to pay…just like a racer has tickets to buy,fuel to race on, fuel to get there, tires, cost of the car…that would be the same as the payment on the track but at a much larger scale…You see we ALL need to work together and bring people to the track!!!



Well said man.

What a sight. Pity. :frowning:

How is it I’ve seen ads on TV for a big race in February during Speedweeks? Will there be one or not?

Gosh that really makes me sad to see track in that condition!! Had so many good memories racing there! The world racing group does not really want to lease the track
out as a few have tried ,but they want to much to do so

That place makes enough money during speed weeks that they don’t need to be open year around… You can bet you Butt it will be open agin during speed weeks 2013

Circledude, they have races scheduled for February speedweeks. That’s why you’ve seen the ads. World Racing Group owns the track and makes a huge profit during speedweeks. I’m told, although I don’t personally know, that they lost money racing a regular schedule for the rest of the season. That’s why they stopped running weekly and tried leasing the track out to someone who they hoped could do something with it but not have it for speedweeks. No one has stepped up. Actually, the pictures are deceiving. I see grass growing out of the track but the bleachers are still there, the walls, the buildings, etc. The grass is not an issue and may actually help the surface once it’s mixed in. Some tracks actually add sawdust, straw, or similar compost to their tracks to help retain moisture. So the track surface should be fine then put some paint on the walls and anywhere else that needs it, and the racing will be great.
They did the same thing at the track they own in Weedsport, NY this year. They only held one race on it during Super Dirt Week, and I’ve heard the racing was great and the track surface was the best it had been in years. BTW, one track owner in the midwest advised growing winter wheat or rye on his track during the winter and then he disced it in in the spring. Can’t remember who it was but it was one of the more reputable owners and track.

and THE only way that will change is if ALL the locals BOYCOTT it during Speedweeks…yes I know that will be tough but there are other shows around that can be seen…I have been to 41 Volusia Speedweeks and will break my speedweek streak as far as Volusia by attending OTHER tracks…and the monies STAY in FLORIDA…they will get the out of towner’s like always but that is only about 1/2 of there crowd and the week before when the WoO sprints are racing 2/3rd are local…so put the pressure on them and attend BRP, East Bay, NFS or any other track that is racing and will be racing during OUR reg. season here in Florida

Yesterday after a few sweeps with the grader.

Thx for the info winger, everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving.