Bob and Jerry show

So Bob (flvideo) gets tired of Jerry ( going to hell ) Frasson’s take on life and gives him a piece of his mind on Facebook. Then Bob blocks the demon from being able to reply which caused the demons head to spin around on his neck. This is what I heard from a good source anyway. :slight_smile:

Bob 1
Jerry 0

Not quite the way it happened, but if that’s the way you want to see it, I’m OK with that.

I’m just tired of Bible thumping, self-righteous people spewing hatred for anyone that isn’t white, American & Christian. If you’re not all 3, you are a piece of shit that needs to be prayed for so their souls can be saved. Spewing hatred, racism and intolerance is the exact opposite of what the book says that he’s clinging to in one hand, while giving the finger to anyone that isn’t like him with the other.


[QUOTE=Frasson118;125666]Not quite the way it happened, but if that’s the way you want to see it, I’m OK with that.

I’m just tired of Bible thumping, self-righteous people spewing hatred for anyone that isn’t white, American & Christian. If you’re not all 3, you are a piece of shit that needs to be prayed for so their souls can be saved. Spewing hatred, racism and intolerance is the exact opposite of what the book says that he’s clinging to in one hand, while giving the finger to anyone that isn’t like him with the other.


You got 1 out of the three, I guess you’re white anyway. :huepfen024:

2 out of 3 ( a piece of shit )
as per jerry
Bob is a great guy and a real race fan. Iv knowen him for many years and will stand up for him every time.


And Jerry… Bob doesent hate you. Bob doesent hate anyone…
Now me on the other hand …I need Bob Rick and Sandy to pray for me.


Jerry wrote something the other day that made me think he’s not possessed by the devil. :slight_smile: He added in his post that he would pray for somebody that was injured. Maybe there is hope and we will see him in heaven. The racing up there is second to none ! I’m sure he will like it. Racing in hell looks more like a crash-a-Rama because all the tires melt off the cars and they race around on the wheels in a shower of sparks. Jerry won’t like hell.

I do hope he someday finds his own personal relationship with God. You don’t have to be a bible thumper to go to heaven. All you need to do is believe in God and have your own personal relationship. Read the bible and decide on your own which religion is best for you should you decide to take your personal relationship with god to the next level.

God bless you Jerry and I do pray for your salvation.

Thanks for geting my mind right. Its hard for me sometimes.
