07 Falcon Birdcage Champ kart

Best of everything and fully adjustable Falcon Birdcage kart.
Race ready and WKA serial numbered.
Comes with stand and spare set of rims and tires.
Very fast clone motor with big pipe.
Custom body and tach included.
Add youre wrap and race.
1500.00 complete also includes a spare clutch.
Located near Ocala/Gainesville.
Credit cards accepted.
Call 352-256-1018 Rick
Thanks Merry Christmas!


to the top :ernaehrung004:

This Champ will fit a Fat guy too!! LOL

too the top please!

send me some more info the doc says i need a hobby for my brain fighting cancer so what weight can ride in it send to billyreubens@gmail.com thanks


Will fit a 5’10" 270 lbs driver.

Swaps, swoops or trades found it in the shop
and still haven’t sold it.
So to the top bring serious offers.
Rick M

[QUOTE=williston19;147188]Swaps, swoops or trades found it in the shop
and still haven’t sold it.
So to the top bring serious offers.
Rick M[/QUOTE]

Where do these run in the central Florida area? Thanks

Check out SECKS.
they have a Web site.
Also various tracks have classes as well.

if u still have the champ kart ill give u 2500 if u cn deliver it to me ill have money in a couple weeks

to the top ,bring offers or trades:ernaehrung004::ernaehrung004: