Ever wanted to try to race a late model but don’t have 30k to see if you have what it takes. We have three late models ready for your driving technique. We will have cars available all 2014 season. Prices starting at $250 per night. We have one limited late and two late models that are ump legal. Reserve your weekend of fun now. Spots fill quick so not all weekends available. How convenient to reserve your date and all you have to do is show up and do the job? Any and all questions contact Chris Freeman enterprises at 386-837-8048.
Test and tune and track rental are also available. Start the year off with your dream hobby, we can help with that.
[QUOTE=modlmrcr;141768]Ever wanted to try to race a late model but don’t have 30k to see if you have what it takes. We have three late models ready for your driving technique. We will have cars available all 2014 season. Prices starting at $250 per night. We have one limited late and two late models that are ump legal. Reserve your weekend of fun now. Spots fill quick so not all weekends available. How convenient to reserve your date and all you have to do is show up and do the job? Any and all questions contact Chris Freeman enterprises at 386-837-8048.
Test and tune and track rental are also available. Start the year off with your dream hobby, we can help with that.[/QUOTE]
What track??
Will haul for $1 per mile wherever. Volusia is the closest.
was that one of your rentals you were driving sat night ?
one dollar a mile there and back?
Yeah the 14c and 14h. Too soft on rr’s both cars burned off tires before lap 15.
do you need some 55’s
55 Yes or LM 30’s
This is cool wish I lived closer! Hope it does good.
Need 92’s 90’s 88’s LM 30 Hoosier or 55 would be ok
Don’t need junk tires have enough bad ones. Anyone with good take off tires could help just call for pickup.
No longer renting cars, everyone is a driver no one wants to fix their mistakes on their own dollar. Just use me for your talents. Hey fk off punks. Build your own cars and maybe you’ll get out of your situation. Doubtit
Have you ever considered that maybe your attitude on here is why things dont go as planned?
dang I was looking forward to renting one of your cars
Yeah we’ll I was hoping honest people wanted a chance
To race what I’ve spent every waking moment building and learning to keep a competitive car at the track for the track and Fans cause I thought people were still HONEST or even trustworthy. I’ve learned another valuable lesson at my expense so some punk can tell everyone there a racer. LOL I race one a night and am building a new LM all so I can enjoy my Saturday night under the lights. Hey thanks again to the leaches but I’m not done yet. To be continued when I fix others mistakes for my own downfalls. Believing the renter would do right for our fans and cars. Anyway dans a punk , still owes me for damages and engine parts he is supposed to pay for, tex nothing else to say I’ve told you what your worth and where is my rear you were going to replace cause your a non driving lier.if you ever get a life hold on to the trailer and make sure you don’t park it over an ant hill."cause what goes around you too will get. If I’m wrong the truth will be known. Dan come pay me for the engine parts or just return them if you haven’t already sold my parts also bring three sheets of black aluminum. Ha ha ha a jokes on me . This is why we’re not selling dreams any longer !!!