Cluster Xxxxx @ NNS

First…not enough oil dry…shed locked up.? ? ?
Now…no wrecker…using some ole tractor trying to hook up a car with the bucket…real slo process…hope practice goes better tomorrow…hell, can’nt be worse…been 1 hr 40 min and I bet they have’nt had a fulll hour of practice…
Flag man had to go get the tractor to blow off the track.
Piss poor action…NNS can do better than this…OSF

[QUOTE=Old Sunshine Fan;154005]First…not enough oil dry…shed locked up.? ? ?
Now…no wrecker…using some ole tractor trying to hook up a car with the bucket…real slo process…hope practice goes better tomorrow…hell, can’nt be worse…been 1 hr 40 min and I bet they have’nt had a fulll hour of practice…
Flag man had to go get the tractor to blow off the track.
Piss poor action…NNS can do better than this…OSF[/QUOTE]
NNS??? Where is that? :anim_pound:

Upper U S…Can’t type when I’m pissed…Ok ?..OSF

Typical new smyrna shit. Cant start anything on time. Emts never ready when they should be. Same ol shit man. Its a real shame