Purse structure to be announced shortly, stay tuned to the Orlando Speedworld Facebook and Website for more information!

That should really bring the fans out .:anim_pound:

Something I noticed, but not complaining. … they show free admission to the stands (with coupon), but also shows $5 parking fee.

I can’t recall ANY race I’ve had to pay to park other than some Nascar shows.

What’s the cost for a ticket if you DONT have a coupon? I don’t have easy access to a printer.


It says sportsman , e mods, strictly stocks and classic cars… So no there is no super stocks.

[QUOTE=Frasson118;154637]Something I noticed, but not complaining. … they show free admission to the stands (with coupon), but also shows $5 parking fee.

I can’t recall ANY race I’ve had to pay to park other than some Nascar shows.

What’s the cost for a ticket if you DONT have a coupon? I don’t have easy access to a printer.[/QUOTE]

There will be plenty of flyers handed out, you should not have to worry. Donnie has sent to have 10,000 of them printed and will be passing them around. Anyone who wants to pass a few out can stop in the track office in a couple weeks or any time they might be passing by if they like.

As far as paying to park. Think of it this way, instead of a family of 4 paying $12 per head as usual, which would be $48 to get in, you have one flat price of $5. The track clearly can not operate 100% free, so there has to be some small way for them to make a little money back. The $30 at the back gate will only really cover purses. I agree, it’s a different way of doing things, but it saves money no matter what. Even if only 1 person shows up, it’s saving you $7. Personally, I think it is a cool idea and I hope it works. He’s trying to think outside the box just a little bit and make it affordable for a family to go.

Regarding Super Stocks. I will talk with Donnie a bit and see if I can persuade them. I too would like to see them there. I think they are a fantastic division. History says they don’t pull good car counts. I promise if you can get at least 10 guys to commit 100% on here to running this show for Super Stocks, he will add them without a question! :ernaehrung004:

If you have guys that can not post on here that definitely want to race, give Donnie a call… I emphasize CALLING him at the track office. If he is there, he will talk to you. He is not the only one in control of the FB page and sometimes may miss a message on there so calling is definitely the best way to ensure you are able to speak to him.

This is definitely a fresh idea. Get both crowds the same night. Drifter and stock car fans. I’ll gladly pay $5 to park with no grandstand fee…would probably even buy food. Load up one car with 5 people…That’s $1 per person to get in. Imagine all the beer you can buy with those savings! :ernaehrung004:

If it works they may be onto something.

considering they had only 3 super stock show up last race do you blame them. I suggest if your class is running and you want to race you better show up .

One question I have. Is it better to call Donnie on the phone or contact him in the innernets? I always get that part mixed up


A thought to perhaps pass along:

Come up with a drift car and something (doesn’t really matter what) that is a stock car and have a “grudge” match on the oval, maybe 3-5 laps.

Drifting or no drifting for the drift car (his choice) but try to get close lap times.

It might drum up additional interest for the–I can’t bring myself to type it, but it rhymes with “the Last and Curious” bunch on both sides.

Run 'em at Intermission or end of “regular” events, Donnie’s choice.

ps–cracks me up.

Every time there is a “Speedworld is dead” discussion, they manage to come up with a race.

And they have nice bathrooms for the Katlizys out there!

[QUOTE=Benny The Mule;154651]This is definitely a fresh idea. Get both crowds the same night. Drifter and stock car fans. I’ll gladly pay $5 to park with no grandstand fee…would probably even buy food. Load up one car with 5 people…That’s $1 per person to get in. Imagine all the beer you can buy with those savings! :ernaehrung004:

If it works they may be onto something.[/QUOTE]

That is the exact idea. Trying something new and a little outside the box. Maybe they can turn a few drifting fans into oval fans too and vice versa. It’s worth trying something.

Always better to pick up the phone. It’s probably the most reliable way to reach him. As I said, he is not the only one in control of the FB

[QUOTE=OldSchool+;154668]ps–cracks me up.

Every time there is a “Speedworld is dead” discussion, they manage to come up with a race.

And they have nice bathrooms for the Katlizys out there![/QUOTE]

Maybe people should cry that Speedworld is dead more often, they will get more races hahahahaha:waffen093:

What about if you walk in?

To accommodate dd38, E&H Car Crushing will offer free parking at their site, then you can walk over or you can pay $1 and ride a School Bus Figure 8 to the track driven by William Hindman…

I Think the reason for not running Super Stocks is that they are scheduled at New Smyrna the night before… Would be nice to have one other class… Legends would be a good one to run since more of the drivers would have a chance to attend being that it’s on a Sunday…

Lakeland did a $5 carload deal years ago and it was a big hit…Sold out…
Had a full stock car show with super lates idea is sound but if the show isent great you will piss off some more of your potencial coustmers.
Put on a big show with that idea and get the ball rolling.
Just my take…


I have already ordered 250 color…postcard sized flyers… Paid 27bucks on vistaprint… And will hand them out everywhere i go… I also made an 8x11sized page with six coupons per page.

All you guys are doin is talking… Talk is cheap!

I agree. Stock classes need to show too… And if they are invited, i bet they do. Looking fwd to a sunday afternoon race!!! See You ALL there.

Ms. Kat you a bad momma jomma!

True race fan stuff, right there.

My hat is off to you, ma’am.

Like Danica, you muscle your way into racing, rather than Janet Guthrie along, if ya catch my drift (pun intended).