Speedworld Injury

Apparently a “track worker” at Speeworld has been injured.

Mentioned on the radio was a broken leg but more troubling is a reported head injury.


If you are so inclined, please include him in your prayers.

UPDATING my original post.

Just got a phone call and found out that the injured flagger was in fact my good buddy Phil Ellis, driver of the 51nine Pro Truck.

He is going into surgery this morning to repair a badly broken femur and ankle but is otherwise in good shape.

The incident happened when two Bandoleros got together and sent one careening into Phil who was flagging the event from the big oval racing surface (the bando’s run on the apron oval)

There was another recent injury (or death was it?) to a flagger who was on the ground in the potential path of race cars. I watched a person get seriously hurt at Marion County Speedway trying to run across the track while race cars were on it.

WHY? WHY can’t we ever learn anything in this sport/hobby?

[QUOTE=luke81;155753]There was another recent injury (or death was it?) to a flagger who was on the ground in the potential path of race cars. I watched a person get seriously hurt at Marion County Speedway trying to run across the track while race cars were on it.

WHY? WHY can’t we ever learn anything in this sport/hobby?[/QUOTE]

Hopefully, this will be the straw that broke the camels back and all tracks and traveling series no matter who they are will realize that having someone stand on the track surface is a potential safety hazard. Thankfully, it looks like Phil is going to make a full recovery in time. No head injury as initially reported, though he may have been a little soft up there already :aetsch013:

well they no better they have always flagged from the flag stand even for the bandoleros only a fool would stand on the track . I saw it on ch 9 they ask them to leave the property .

You would think a death at like in sept would been it… I hate even watching the track photographer run around the infield with no wall to stand behind.

I agree Kat… It’s just an unfortunate situation. Let’s just focus on positives right now. We can all deal with the more serious aspect of making sure people are completely off the racing surface any time the track is hot shortly. It definitely is time to put in place rules prohibiting anyone from being on the racing surface under green flag conditions. Just be thankful this situation was not worse right now.

Yup. We are here now watching legends and.bandos… enhoying the sun… and trying to explain to my dad why this place isnt rocking each weekend.

Just keep holding hope. Who know’s what the future holds.