Attention Super Late Model drivers

Desoto Speedway
Attention Super Late Model drivers,

Due to a conflict of scheduling with another super late model race at another track, Desoto Speedway has decided to move our May 9th race to May 23rd. We hope by doing this, it gives all racers and race teams the opportunity to support both races. we are sorry for any inconvenience but feel it is best for our drivers, fans and our track.

Thank You for your continued support and understanding.
Desoto Speedway Owner

racing on May 9th will be the following
Pure Stock
Mini Stock
the new enduro series which includes
Flag Pole race
Road Course
Enduro race
you can find the rules to this new fun class on our website

Class move (again) by Desoto…

How about a BIG Sportsman race that night instead? 50 laps and a good purse? We can get the word out, draw a big field and PUT ON A SHOW! How 'bout it?

Just an idea

[B][I]How about start building your own weekly racing program!

Choose 4 classes, one Headliner and 3 support, establish a 5 years rock solid rule book, and race them weekly. Have big championships for them with nice rewards, not necessarly $ as is. Rely on your own loyals racers and fans, instead of uncertain travelers. Make them the Heros of the county, your local Stars that the fans cherish and support.

Once in a while, invite and welcome a well organised serie to please your fan base with an extravaganza.

In long run you’ll come out on top.

Just look at successfull dirt track in your own backyard, that is basically what they do. We do not read or hear a lot of negative about their shows.

When there is ten stars in one class for one state, it’s not enough to fill the demand of that many paved tracks.

Just an opinion.[/I][/B]

I’m not really sure what your post has to do with this topic, Andre.

In Florida just about all Super Late Model teams are “travelers”. Desoto moving their date is a class move on their part to not make Super teams have to decide which event to support. To go head to head is not smart (watch how that works out for the two Truck series going head to head tonite down here). Conversely running Super Late Models weekly down here at one track would be fiscal suicide. The combination of a much longer season, slower recovering economy, more entertainment choices than curling and asphalt racing in general being in not as healthy a state makes that not a smart move. With so many tracks so near one another they all need to share Late Models, OWM, Sportsman and Trucks. Intelligent scheduling helps your car count, being bullheaded doesn’t. A lot of things that work “up nawth” can be applied here. This, however is not one of those examples.

Now, back on topic…

How 'bout a BIG Sportsman race on May 9th??? :ernaehrung004:

[B][I]First I applaud them for removing themselves from the conflict, Bravo on that.

To my point now.

It is doable for a race track to have their own local weekly program that works and draws fans and racers. When you have that in place, then you do not need the support of a particular group of stars that every other tracks wants to have and end up with conflicting dates. You can live with your program, and sometimes, call in a well establish, independant serie to please your crowd.

And yes, since the Super are not available, why not go for the next best thing that is available as of now!

Have a wonderfull day![/I][/B]

Good points, Andre. That’s why I’m pleading for a BIG Sportsman show to replace the rescheduled Super date. Let’s give the fans a SHOW that is entertaining and worth coming out for! Desoto is rising from the ashes of its former self and a lot of good things have been done there. They also seem to be the only track willing to reschedule dates to avoid conflicts for the benefit of their competitors. The crowds are growing and so is the car count. I’m sure a lot more good things are to come but you gotta crawl before you can walk. You gave a wonderful day too, mon frere! :ernaehrung004: (joiur La SUDS aka la biere!)

Pardon ma francais, ce est terrible!

Pardon mi francais, ce est terrible!

[B][I]Hey!!! At least you tried, Thanks.

Our stock car season will start soon here too. Even though we could see some snow flakes coming down yesterday. There was little snow on my cars this morning.[/I][/B]

[QUOTE=andre;158566]Pardon mi francais, ce est terrible!

[B][I]Hey!!! At least you tried, Thanks.

Our stock car season will start soon here too. Even though we could see some snow flakes coming down yesterday. There was little snow on my cars this morning.[/I][/B][/QUOTE]

Je vous en prie!

Yeah, I don’t really miss the snow. The Icebreaker race at Desoto is tongue-in-cheek. The Icebreaker race at Thompson is literal…


who else has a race may 9th

no track in the state of florida races supers may 9th might wanna re think your reasoning

it appears that Auburndale has a 100 lap Super Late Model race on May 9th.
it appears all their other races are the last Saturday of the month.
the owner decided it would be best to move ours.