high speed rail

not told. if you put a high speed rail down the center of 1-4 ,you will never be able to travel that roadway for the next 10 years, if lucky ever. Bill Nelson Get Over IT…

I totally agree, this state has too many other financial problems to worry about right now. Put this project on the back burner until the state has the money to pay for it.

nice job scott

i cant belive all the people whining and crying about scott dumping this stupid rail idea . with the problems facing the state "and the country"they want us to spend 2BILLION on a train that will cost 5times that much by the time its over with …never trust the goverment estimate…im proud of scott …just think if sink got elected it makes me sick…for the politusions that would get tha votes for this crap…its a huge shit sandwich and we all got to take a bite

The point with infrastructure projects like Rail and Highways is this:

It’s kind of like insurance, it only works if you buy it BEFORE you really need it. By the time you’re in the hospital, it’s too late to get insurance. So if we wait until the traffic is as bad as LA or Chicago, it’s too late to try to build anything to help.

And trust me, Scott aint killing rail because it’s “the right thing for the state right now”. It’s because there’s a dollar to be made if it fails for some friend of his. Just like all the oversight and accountability he’s removing from the nursing home industry (which is where he made his money and defrauded the medicare system).

Just sayin…

The “Nail on the Head” award…

pitcrew gets this months award.

Great post, pitcrew.

Why spend 2+ billion on a rail when they will slap tolls on I-4 for 10% of that. I can def see that being discussed already. Its not build for the people its build for revenue. He who has the best kickback has the best idea! Plain and simple!

My 2 cents

100% of the Flori-duh tax payers will support this venture, but a very small percent of people will actually have it to use. How about that big rat(Disney) help pay for it and let it stop in their parking lot. That way people in Daytona and Tampa will come for a day at Disney without driving.:huepfen024:
Otherwise I agree with Scott on not wasting our tax dollars on temporary construction jobs and a neverending burden to support and maintain a rail that only benefits a small part of this state. JMHO

It’s kind of like insurance No, its not like insurance at all. Instead, it is like buying a big expensive yacht. You will use it less than you think, but you have to keep paying big bucks for it until the end of time.


how much do you think parking will be. will not be cheap.

Every one that wants to ride on it buy your ticket now and when we get enough money to pay for it we will build it… That should be the end of that… they want us to pay and they ride for free… NOT!! Took them 6 years to ad a lane. Can you see this job. nobody speak english.



how many of the 6 lanes would the close for the workers safety. make I-4 a parking lot.

I was neutral on the high speed rail deal but he is a real d*** for what he and the other republicans are doing to the teachers. You can’t put all of the burden of learning to be put on them it all starts at home.

hey racers are republicans plus to make money you have to spend money and yes I am Proud Republican

oil makes profit this thing will just eat money , and hey we are in dept people, put people to work making profit not more dept .if your not going to use your head you may as well have to asses which is what we had choice from in the last presidential election

Hell the first 10 years I lived in Florida you couldn’t travel it so why should this be any different?? Don’t fret though, the dot and people that govern that stuff have their head up there asses all over!!
Around here they claim they have no money to fix the roads yet they can give million dollar contracts to have the freakin trees trimmed back. I guess that’s so when the pot holes jack your ass over in the ditches you won’t hit any trees!!!

Poor babies. you fire the bad ones. By the by they AREN’T putting ALL the burden on teachers. It’s about half. And the I’m a republican also. And I also agree with you that it starts at home. But public unions have to GO!!!:ernaehrung004:

hello if we drill in the Gulf it would creat jobs biulding the high speed rail train would creat jobs

Rick Scott doesn’t give a rats ass about education or public service in the state. He is concerned about making money for his friends in business (and that ain’t you or me). He got elected by the buzz word/sound byte crowd and now we all will pay.

He is destroying one of the basic tenets of our society - public education. Without it 99% of you could not even read this post. My wife is a non union teacher with accolades and awards to warrant that she would do well under some merit pay plan…however there are several segments of students who nobody will want to teach anymore because they don’t show large gains - special ed and gifted children. The list goes on about what is wrong with the slash and burn mentality, but nobody in Tallahassee is interested in fixing it, just cutting budget.

We are fortunate in that we don’t to rely on my wife’s income and she does it because she loves it. Most teachers are not in that situation and cant afford cuts to any of the “benefits” they have now.

Similar efforts are affecting police/fire/emt you name…this guy is destroying - not fixing things.

rick scott showed some retirement papers few days ago

i like the one were the guy drove the pick up truck and sprayed the ditches ,
and sprayed for mosquitoes
his retirement per year was 174’000 dollars :sport009: