CLASSIFIED ADS - FREE! Buy, Sell and Trade Racing parts and supplies. Also a section for non racing items. Used by thousands of racers! Florida Racing News CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE NEWS FROM THIS WEEK IN RACING!!! KARNAC.com Front Page Articles from 2000-2009 Go back in time and read articles, race reports, editorials and much much more from the years 2000-2009. Take a trip back in Florida Racing Time! Jack Smith All the posts about Jack are here and feel free to add anything about Jack… Announcements Posts From Forum Operators Complainers Corner A perfect place for the disgruntled and unpopular views of the proles; moderated by Winston Smith of course. -WARNING- This is where the dregs of posts will go, if you do not want to read them DO NOT CLICK HERE!!! You have been warned… Events Section This is the place where Tracks, Series, Promoters Etc. can post their upcoming events and information. Florida Stock Car Racing History TURNING BACK THE PAGES Memorials A place to remember those who we have lost: Racers, Promoters, Track Owners, Staff and others who contributed to Florida racing. Comics Corner A forum for no good reason other than you asked for it…blame Fenton, it’s his fault. Also the perfect place for you modern day political experts to express yourselves. KARNAC's FLORIDA STOCK CAR RACING The online version of KARNAC.com’s Racin’ Talk Radio was the original Florida fan forum begun in 1998. Fans can discuss any racing or non-racing issue…NO FLAMES PLEASE!